Artistic Personnel
Original production (Winter 2019
Melissa Purcha
Andrew G. Cooper
Maddison Hartloff
Brittney Martens
Jared Rashke
Lukas Vanderlip
Joel Feenstra
Kayly Erno
Juanita Dawn
Randi Edmundson
Magistrate/Co-Director/Puppet Designer
Bridegroom/Costume Designer
Bride/Visual Designer/Scenic Artist
Set and Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Technical Director/Carpenter
Head of Properties
Puppet Consultant/Builder
Puppet Consultant
By The Brothers Grimm
Adapted by Andrew G. Cooper
"Turn Back, Turn Back, Thou Bonnie Bride..."
The Robber Bridegroom tells the tale of an impoverished miller who seeks a better life for his only daughter. To save the mill, they arrange for her marriage to a wealthy man from out of town. She wants to help her family and do what is right, but something wicked lurks in the woods where the bridegroom lives. Jupiter Theatre brings new life to this classic Brothers Grimm fairy tale in this dark adaptation that explores intuition, intrigue, and the uncertain nature of humanity.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"simply a masterpiece"
- Ed Sum, Two Hungry Blokes
"This innovative marvel of a show is creepy, creative, and a wonderfully subversive undoing of the Brothers Grimm classic" - Andrea Warner, The Georgia Strait
Artistic Personnel
Original production (Winter 2019)
Artistic Personnel
tour production (summer 2019)
Melissa Purcha
Andrew G. Cooper
Maddison Hartloff
Brittney Martens
Jared Rashke
Lukas Vanderlip
Joel Feenstra
Kayly Erno
Juanita Dawn
Randi Edmundson
Puppet Designer
Bridegroom/Costume Designer
Bride/Visual Designer/Scenic Artist
Set and Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Technical Director/Carpenter
Head of Properties
Puppet Consultant/Builder
Puppet Consultant
Andrew G. Cooper
Ashley Hiibner
Deedra Salange Ladouceur
Victoria Skorobohach
Madeleine Taylor-Gregg
Jared Rashke
Lukas Vanderlip
Director/Puppet Designer
Mother/Little Girl
Daughter/Old Woman
Set and Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Reviews & Awards
Top three pick of the fringe (2019, fresh sheets for Victoria Fringe Festival)
"Yes! This is how you tell a story...the surreal style of The Robber Bridegroom is studded with moments of magic. Puppets take us into another dimension." — Fresh Sheet, Colin Thomas
“Its final few moments are a testament to the power of theatre... its impact is undeniable.” — Mark Robins, Vancouver Presents
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ½ "Nightmare and reality intertwine in Andrew G. Cooper’s dramatic interpretation of “The Robber Bridegroom,”... this performance deserves a standing applause." — Chris Horne, The Martlet
Production History
February 2019: Chimera Theatre, Kamloops
March 2019: Jupiter Theatre, Calgary
July - September 2019: Western Canada Tour (Regina, Winnipeg, Victoria, Vancouver)
Future Development
We’re currently seeking partners and residencies for The Robber Bridegroom. If you feel an artistic calling to this show and are interested in the project, please get in touch with us.
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